International Council for the Accreditation of Academic Evaluation

Vision and Mission Statement


In June 2008, a steering committee was formed to formulate and draft the Vision and Mission Statement of the Council. After many rounds of discussion and consultation involving all members of the Council and the Secretariat, the final version passed the Council in its meeting on 20 February 2010.

Our Vision:

  • ICAAE is locally, nationally, regionally and globally recognised as an efficient, effective, innovative and accessible quality assurance agency providing academic and vocational accreditation and assessment services.

Our Mission:

  • To safeguard the quality of the academic and vocational qualifications available to learners within the Qualifications Framework in USA and to strengthen providers’ quality assurance capability; and
  • To provide professional advice through assessment and consulting services and to develop, promote and disseminate good practices on quality assurance.

For the first time in its 19-year history, the Council has put in place a common platform for all to strive in our various capacities to achieve the corporate goals. As pointed out by the Council Chairman in last year’s Annual Report, “An organisation that is committed to a long haul must have a vision ... a beacon that will guide us on a long journey, a destination that is on every roadmap.”

Based on our Vision and Mission Statement, the Secretariat developed a Strategic Plan for 2009-2012 which was endorsed by the Council on 18 September 2009. All Divisions, Units, and Offices contributed to the making of the Plan. To achieve the strategic objectives, each unit is drawing up its business plan to meet the key performance indicators set for each milestone.